Lead The Field Coaching Program

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The New Lead The Field Coaching Program
Lead The Field - With Jamie Mcbrearty

Lead The Field - With Jamie Mcbrearty

In this New Lead the Field Coaching Program Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher will assist you in expanding your level of awareness by sharing the ancient truths and laws that Earl Nightingale so brilliantly buried in this award winning personal development series of recordings.

They explain how and why universal laws govern your life. Your success is going to accelerate as you expose yourself to these 12 mind-expanding, life-enhancing, explosive and relevant segments. Each of the following segments you will receive and study for 10 days. Each segment covers some very serious ground.

There are a total of 12 Lessons covered in this dynamic 120-day coaching program. This includes 12 audios, 24 videos and a complete action planner. Every ten days, you’ll receive a printed lesson from your action planner, the lesson itself in audio accompanied with a video, and then 5 days later, another video to take you even deeper on that lesson so you get the absolute most from it. The New Lead the Field Coaching program runs a total of 120 days covering 12 power-packed lessons with primary focus on 1 lesson every 10 days.

Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale

"Dean of Personal Development"

Was the most listened to man, March 1921 - March 1989, in the history of the broadcasting industries.

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor

"America's Greatest Prosperity Teacher"

Bob has studied and taught the work of Earl Nightingale for more than 50 years.

Sandy Gallagher

Sandy Gallagher

"Master of Visioneering and Financial Genius"

Bob Proctor's business partner, she has studied with him for the past 12 years.

  • Lead The Field Programme For Life

  • A Ready, Steady, Go Coaching Call With Jamie Mcbrearty

  • 12 Months of Group Coaching Support For The Price Of 4

  • An Exclusive Facebook Group With Like Minded People To Share Learnings With

  • Regular Check-Ins With Jamie Mcbrearty

  • 12 Audios, 24 Videos And A Complete Action Planner

  • 4 Months To Complete The Program - Extended to 12 Months With Jamie Mcbrearty

Just choose a payment option below and follow the steps to register – we’re so looking forward to having you with us! As with any program of this nature, you will only get out of it what you put into it.

We recommend allotting a minimum of 3-4 hours each week to studying your program materials, though you are encouraged to make studying the program a daily habit. It’s the daily habitual of studying and applying the RIGHT ideas that are going to do it for you and catapult you into the success you desire in all areas of your life.

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Jamie Mcbrearty Coaching

Welcome to Jamie McBrearty Coaching, where you can discover experiences that will help you or your organisation achieve your goals.

Affinity Business Centre, Harrison Rd, Dundee, DD2 3SN

[email protected]

07816 884306
